My 1340 to 1370 ilvl Push Theorycraft

Hello guys, hope you're having a great day.

Today I would like to share with you all what I have been working on : The amount of materials it would cost me to get from 1340ilvl to 1370ilvl.

Based on the informations i got from asking various players, and watching several streamers i estimated that the average 1370ilvl player has an overall 174 honing fails thanks to the in-game Strategic Failure Achievement.

I aslo calculated the required amount of materials needed to effectuate the push thanks to the in-game Codex and the amount of gold needed to acquire the mats i need left off the Auction House. I've done my maths on a Windows Notepad and here is how it looks :

Disclaimer : Do not take this too seriously as the gear upgrade system is purely RNG. Also, I have Highschool level mathematics knowledge. The purpose of this is just to have an idea of what the push may look like.



-Meaning 100 fails to go

-Knowing that 1340 to 1370 requires 36 successful upgrades : 100/36= 2.7 overall attempts on each upgrade


(AH Prices are EUC Prices)

Weapon : -Destruction Stone : 2100 x2.7 = 5670 Total (2000 left to acquire: 14 000 gold at AH)

-Honor Leapstone : 64

-Simple Oreha Fusion Material : 30

Armor : - Guardian Stone Crystal : 6300 x2.7= 17 000 Total (6500 left to acquire: 31.200 gold at AH)

- Honor Leapstone : 200

- Simple Oreha Fusion Material : 120

TOTAL Silver : 589 700 x2.7= 1 592 190

TOTAL Gold : 2800 x2.7= 7560

TOTAL LEAPSTONES : 64+200 = 264 x2.7 = 712 (328 left to acquire : 46 000 gold at AH)

TOTAL FUSION MATERIAL : 30+120= 150 x2.7 = 405 (261 left to acquire : 3915 gold at AH)

Total amount of gold needed to buy materials needed left off the AH : 94 900

Right now, i have a total of 118 000 gold. I could afford to buy those mats i need left and attempt to push to 1370ilvl. But I am super uncertain about it.

I am wondering if it is gonna be worth, if i will be able to financially recover from this. If Smilegate releases any sort of catchup system in the coming weeks i will be kicking myself. And I am also wondering if i should rather sell every non-bound mats i have and push to 1370 once their prices tripled down.

Let me know what you guys think. I hope i helped you atleast a bit with this.

Thank you for reading me.

EDIT : It's actually 3.7 attempts per piece on average, i made a mistake not taking into account the 36 needed successful attempts and the loss of mats that comes with it. So multiply the amount of mats needed by 3.7 instead of 2.7