Finally watched the show
Despite being an of age teen when the show debuted and a full grown man when it ended, I never watched the show. Heavy, serious shows just aren't my thing. Still aren't. But thanks to WWE being on Netflix, 4 weeks ago,, after it ended, Lost was suggested. I said "sure why not." I ended watching 2 episodes. The next day I was hooked. Just finished the finale almost 4 weeks to the minute that I started it. Thank you headphones at work.
As a non religious man, I saw the ending coming and was less than enthused about it. I see why it got so criticized when it aired. But as a fan of time travel and alternate/parallel universes there was a lot to it I liked. Humes "Constant" episode may be some of my favorite TV ever.
I'm not quite sure I fully understood the ending. When exactly does this purgatory/alternate world begin? The Oceanic 6 get off the island. Did they though? When did they die? Christian explains they each died at different times, but it's not clear when they did, except for Jack, and I suppose the ones that actually died on the island.
I just question the fate/reality of some characters. Mostly Walt and Michael. Did they actually get off for real? Is Walt the only Survivor of the entire show?
And if so does that mean all the Dharma people were real? When they died what happened to them?
And I get that the finale had to focus on the actual characters that did stuff but what about the other survivors that were there for half the show, just didn't have speaking roles? When they died why weren't they deemed important enough for this reunion? That part is less important and it's just TV but still worth asking.
Anyways, neat show. Glad I started watching long after it aired as I had forgotten the ending that everyone hated. Also glad I never had to watch it one episode per week.
ADDED: Also, craziest twist of all was Ben Linus becoming the best person of them all.