TWO ALL MY SEASON FOUR WATCHERS! No one spoil anything for me

I’m on season 4 ep 4 and I’m trying to guess who’s apart of the oceanic six. My first guess was: Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Micheal, and Walt (cause they left on boat a few seasons ago). But now it’s revealed that Sayid is apart of them. So either Michael and Walt died at sea, or they turned around and are still secretly living on the island. Regardless my new guess is now Hurley, Jack, Kate, Sawyer (cause Kate mentioned to Jack that “he’s” waiting for her, in S3’s last episode), Sayid, and John/Claire. I think it’s John cause I think he’s the one who died and was in that coffin that Jack visited. Also when Kate was asked why she didn’t go to the funeral she looked repulsed. John had no friends or family back home, so it makes sense. But it also could be Claire cause Desmond remembered seeing her leave off the helicopter. I do get that John and Claire make no sense but we’ll just have to wait and see