[Online][5e][EST][18+] 2-3 players wanted for short campaign to lead into longer play group.

The Library of Forgotten Tales

A call for recruitment has been sent out to travelers of all stature by the Adventure's Guild. On the continent of Tor'wyn, discovery of a tower lost to time- only thought to have been myth -has made its way through the four kingdoms. Mercenaries, explorers, and of all kinds have traveled to the Elven Providence in hopes of being the first to report back with documentation of the towers contents.

About Me
Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Quasi, a (20s-30s )dnd enthusiast who enjoys creating content just as much as playing said content. I've had a dnd group of 10 years and I've been playing the dice game for closer to 15. I've spent roughly just as much time as Dm as I have a player; and now I'm looking for a new group of wonderful people to enjoy making stories together with for years longer. My only reason for going off at this point is that while I love my current group dearly, our preferences and time schedules are slowly making it harder to connect.

About Game
This game is maybe looking to persist for 5-10 sessions. Just long enough to hopefully get to know each other well enough to make a better suited campaign to maybe last 10x longer. This is a roleplay first, supporting meaningful combats and a puzzle or two to keep things interesting. I welcome the *rule of cool* as long as it stems from the base material. Homebrew is also ok so long as you're going for a theme that you can work with me at least a little to better fit it into this world. I'm not running this very by the book myself, as I don't see enemy zombies as the stat block listed in the bestiary so much as I see them as a shambling undead that will be an appropriate threat to your level and theme.

I am aiming to run this as a sort of high-medieval fantasy with plenty of fantastical elements and wonder. We will be starting at level 2 and end about level 4 or 5. Stats are four rolls of [3d12, drop lowest, drop highest +6] with a free 8 and 18 (crazy I know). This isn't a written adventure; so bare with me should things come up, but I would love to see where the groups creativity takes y'all. This is a game, and we are here to have fun. We are all making this story together. I'm aiming for sessions to last about 4 hours, but depending on availability we can adjust. I'd rather have a weekly or biweekly set schedule when able, but I do understand life happens. More info available on request and once we are fully gathered.

About You
No major experience necessary, I only ask that you understand the general basics enough and are willing to make an effort and participate. I'm not really looking at an age requirement persay, however do understand that mature themes may arise and you may be in call with older folk if you're joining at a younger age. Please fill out this forum just so I can better understand what kind of player you are and I hope to get in contact with you soon!

About Me (again :D)
Firstly, I am very scatterbrained at times. I am not perfect in any sense of the word, but I will give you my effort and that's all I would ask from you. I am conflict averse; but I believe in addressing issues rather than let them continue, ignoring them, or cutting or ghosting the issue. I hope you can come to me with any problems, or if needed be able to address things as a group. I don't like any discrimination (apart from in character, story/thematic settings to evoke strong feelings) and will not tolerate players (myself included) putting other players down.

Thank you for stopping by, I will do my best to get who I can, however I will probably close this by the weekend if not before. I hope that whatever happens that you have a wonderful day. GLHF<3

[Important Update!: First, thank you everyone who showed interest! This has gained much more traction than i was anticipating, and I will be closing applications for now. As my first reddit experience, this was a good learning moment for me. 😅 Thank you all who showed interest and those who missed the opening; hopefully, if I make another opening for a game and I'll be better prepared for potential interests. I'm going to try to get in my responses before the weekend is over.]]

[Also edit: expect a request from Nameless(?). Ive had to shuffle things around to get in contact with people]