gecko spends all her time in one hide
So I got my leopard gecko about a year or go (it will be one year in April 2022) and since then she has basically spent ALL of her time in this one hide. It’s her moist hide, so I was worried about her getting sick. I moved it to where it wasn’t wet inside anymore, and she’s still ALWAYS in there. It’s one of those Cave Hides that you can take the top off of, it’s super dark inside and you can’t see out. Honestly at this point I’m a little tired of never seeing her and her never exploring or doing anything other than sitting in that one hide. She has a 20 gal, and has 4 other hides. Right now I’m trying taking the top off of the cave to force her into exploring. I’m not sure what she does when I’m not here, but whenever I am here I never see her, and I’m assuming that when I’m gone she’s still in there. She seems to enjoy being out of her tank, but not being handled, so I don’t know what I should do. Wondering if you guys might have any suggestions, or if you think I just have an introverted gecko 😅