Roblox account Web scraper troubleshooting Beautiful Soup
Hello, I am trying to write a scraper for finding roblox accounts with their name and bio using Beautiful Soup. To get the bio i could read the span tag of <span class="profile-about-content-text linkify" ng-non-bindable="">...</span> but am unaware as to how to just get the content of the span tag. Any direction as to how I can achieve this?
fyi the "profile-about-content-text linkify" is how I initially tried to do it but it wouldn't return any results from the webpage...
this is what i have written so far:
url = f"{userNo}/profile"
result = requests.get(url)
doc = BeautifulSoup(result.text, "html.parser")
bio = doc.find_all("span", {"class":"profile-about-content-text linkify"})