The Client Was Bad Before, But Now It's Just Unbearable
We all know how the client wasn't the best previously, where it was either laggy, glitches here and there, but it was never a MAJOR issue. However, now, every other game it just closes after the game finishes and doesn't open again, or after the game is done it loads infinitely and doesn't progress to the post game screen. Even during game, the game just crashes, and you can't reconnect as the client is just not there anymore and you have to reopen it.
Moreover, the client just LAGS really badly now if you leave it on for a while. You would start queue, and it would skip seconds, the queue would pop without you knowing, or any other lag related incident. It is so sluggish and bothersome now, and it is genuinely infuriating.
Does Riot have any plans in the pipeline to fix this? Because this is deterring veteran players, so it will definitely be a deterrent for new players.