Time to move on? Law vs Teaching
I applied to law school and teacher's college at the same time. I knew my stats would get me into a B.Ed. program (which it did), but law school would be more of a gamble (especially since I still haven't gotten any A's yet, and I'm not feeling super optimistic this late in the cycle but you can see my stats in my last post).
Honestly, I'm not sure what to do. Law is my dream. I know I could also be an amazing and dedicated teacher, but everyone in my life (especially professors and academic mentors) is encouraging me, saying I would thrive in law. Still, I don't think I can handle another year of waiting just to be rejected again! For context, I'm 24 (and I know that's not super old, but I feel old, okay?) and I'm kind of eager to get moving. It also seems like A LOT of school (and no money making) for me to do my masters, a year off (currently), two years of teachers college, and then 2 years of law.
Hopefully, I get in, but if I don't, is it a bad idea to go to teacher's college and still apply for law school next cycle? I would have to quit teaching or try to defer my acceptance or something. Is there a chance with my stats, or is it time to accept the good opportunity I have with teaching and leave law behind? I just wish there was a way of knowing if I would get in this cycle or at all...
Sorry for the rant