Adding a hedge along the interstate

Hey all! Recently bought a property in the Southwest Michigan area that borders the interstate, and while we don't mind the noise we'd like to put a hedge up for looks and a little sound dampening. It's back enough from the house that cleanup isn't too important, the line is 600 ft total but even just doing 100-200 would be enough. I've looked at giant arborvitae, holly and maybe even Lombardy poplars, but would like any advice on what to do!

Hey all! Recently bought a property in the Southwest Michigan area that borders the interstate, and while we don't mind the noise we'd like to put a hedge up for looks and a little sound dampening. It's back enough from the house that cleanup isn't too important, the line is 600 ft total but even just doing 100-200 would be enough. I've looked at giant arborvitae, holly and maybe even Lombardy poplars, but would like any advice on what to do!