[KCD1] Whoever skipped KCD1 and directly started KCD2 are missing out

16 hours in ,the game is yet to get stale or boring. Hell it isn't even slow like most of you guys said. The only "slow" part of the game is herb picking animation, no skip button for fast travel and skipping time, that's it. You guys said as if learning archery, alchemy and sword fighting will be like a chore. But it's so good and satisfying, getting rewarded to these tasks are worth it. Even the side quests are interesting af, they are not just simple fetch quests. This game is even more enjoyable to me than RDR2. Feels like it could be in my top 10 but I will wait to rank it till I finish the game. Getting destroyed by 3 bandits, but less than that I am able to kill them without master strikes, the quests are so interesting that I haven't been able to focus on learning master strikes. Also getting the hang of archery. My henry also got laid twice , jesus christ be praised