[kcd2] Warning to ne players- do NOT become alcoholic

Be warned, when you get the alcoholic debuff it is an absolute pain to get rid of - will take weeks-> months in game time to get rid of - NOT exagerating. It is far worse than I ever thought it would be and I didnt heed warnings myself. Youll need to sleep 12 hr, eat, wait 24 hr, eat, sleep 12 hr , over and over and over, DOZENS of times in a row to get this debuff to go away.

You will get huge debuffs to everything, youll need to brew an insane amount of the HIGH QUALITY Dog Hair potions to keep the debuff away which will only temporarily get rid of the debuffs.. the debufss will hinder every aspect of gameplay...... every time a quest speech check comes up, drink a potion or youll fail, half way to your next task? Over burdened, drink a potion because you cant sprint, ride horse or fast travel. a few min later, over encumbered again. Drink another potion.

You can keep drinking the potions but youll get annoyed eventually and when you finally want to just get rid of the damned debuff get ready. Just get a fun video on your phone ready to watch while you spam sleeping and eating in game for the next hour straight,

Just dont get the debuff. Its not fun. You will regret it, and its not hard to level your drinking without getting it. I just got impatient and went crazy drinking alcohol trying to level my drinking skill, which was dumb. Just drink a couple drinks a day.

EDIT--------->>>> Just got my first game crash ever (on PC), after sleeping -> waiting over and over for 45 min straight... coincidence? I think not.

This is actually ridiculous and I cant believe im being punished this much for gameplay. jesus