Tips on playing Chaos Cults in the new edition?

Just tried out my chaos cults in 3rd edition for the first time. Gotta say, it was a slaughter. It could have just been a "Bad match up, bad dice" situation as games sometimes tend to go, but I look through their kit and struggle to think about what I could have done differently (besides my equipment choices. Most were good but I should have taken barricades). My opponent was Vespids and vantage was a HUGE problem. The restriction on one torment per turn and the unnatural regeneration only reducing 1 damage on damage 3 up attacks really hurts. Also the lack of any healing for mutating when changing models is rough when going from devotee to mutant. I was reduced to half my roster after the first turning point and I hadn't even made it down the field yet, even with plenty of cover. Any tips for a poor, twisted wretch?