What would be some good blood tests to get done? M33.

Hey all,

I'm curious to have some bloodwork done, and I'm just trying to figure out what would be some good tests to get done.

I'm a 33 year old male, 1.90m, 89kg,, quite active, but not overly. (2 to 3x a week gym for weighlifting and some minor cardio). I have no history of disease/illness, but my doctor did once tell me I had quite high ALT back in sept 2019 (vegan + not keto back then): 58 U\L. In feb 2020 (stil not keto) it dropped to 46, and in sept 2022 (when I was keto for 1.5 years or so) the ALT was 23 U\L. During the 2019 and 2020 test, my billirubin was slightly elevated too much, too, which also dropped significantly on my 2022 test when I was keto for quite some time then. He told me the high ALT was due to some non-dangerous syndrome called "Gilbert", but wasn't 100% sure. Even thought I have no history of illness, I do some have people in my family that suffer from cholesterol issues, so I'm also curious to see whether or not my 'vein health' is also still good.

Also, I recently keep hearing that the general cholesterol tests aren't very 'relevant' anymore as an isolated test, but I'm not sure if I understand why. I'd like to learn more about this and hear what other bloodwork can be done check out whether I'm in good health in that area. I also keep hearing about ApoB. It this something to look into as well?

Thanks in advance!