Does anyone get off vibes from Mike?

As I’ve been watching the jsfv I’ve noticed that Mike has a bit of a dark side. He’s come a long way and has definitely changed, but there’s just something fishy about him. Like he almost has another side to him. Ive grown up around a lot manipulating people and abusers so it’s easy for me to spot something off about someone. With Mike my red flags are his addictive personality, I get it he’s clean and just looking for another outlet, but does over consumption really make a difference? No sin is greater than another sin. The second thing I found off about him is his lack of respect towards Angelinas marriage. Just like Deena said he loves to stir the pot. Maybe to him it’s innocent but let’s be honest that’s not a good friend, that’s being messy. I don’t know about anyone else but the whole blessification episode was straight up a mockery to GOD. Mike loves to put on a show for the camera to make ppl think he changed but idk that’s just me. Another thing is how he dismissed Lauren’s fatigue as they were sitting at the table while vacationing at the Florida keys. You can tell he was trying hard not to react and maybe that’s why he decided to toast. The final one was with the murder mystery. The accuracy was insane. only a dark mind would have guessed it . I do have 3 theory’s 1) he’s not happy in marriage 2)he really has a dark side 3)he likes pretending he’s a changed man.So yea is there anyone else that sees what I see?