Idk I like Angelinersss
As the header says I like Angeliners 😂 Now she does annoy me from time to time but so do the other cast members excluding Pauly. I truly think the show would be boring without her imo. I also think the family does gang up on her slot and uses her a a scapegoat when they want drama. She complains and cries but she’ll be right back turning up with the group and I think that what makes me think okay I totally understand why she’s still on the show. Back to the family gangs up on her; I recently watched the season where Sammi comes back and after looking at it Sammi does go from 0-100 when she had any slight disagreement with Angeliners. For example, when Ron came back and Ang jokingly said Ron was coming upstairs the stairs and Sammi’s response was “You talk too much🙄” I 100% feel why Ang thought WTH ?? What was the difference between Ang saying that one joke vs Vinny and Pauly repeatedly making far worse jokes to Sam about Ron’s arrival and she never once said anything to the boys. On the other hand I do think k Ang got a lil jealous of Sammi’s return but you have to remember she wanted her there because she wanted Sammi to be what Snooki is to JWow. So when that didn’t go as planned I see why she felt betrayed. Idk don’t fight me on this guys I just think Ang is good tv 😂