I built my own life-size BD-1
I 3-D printed and painted my own 1:1 (in theory) scale BD-1! He’s completely poseable, including antennae, scanner eye, neck (can also be extended and move from the body as well as rotate on the ball joint), hips, knees, and ankles. I also added his blue main eye light, the white scanner light, and a green light for the panel on the back of his head. He also makes several game-accurate sounds, with about 120 unique files pulled directly from JFO. Took way too long to get those since nobody else has good sounds posted anywhere. Started printing at the beginning of April with lots of troubleshooting, and finished wiring the lights a week ago. In total he’s 56 printed pieces, and the largest ones took about 3 and a half days.
Pictures with me, stormtrooper (at a comic con), GE BD-1, LEGO BD-1, and a banana added for scale :) Looks huge in person but in pictures standing next to Cal in JFO and JS he looks pretty close to accurate size when he’s on the ground. This was my first larger-scale printed project (and my first time using spray paint too) and I had a LOT of problems, but I’m really happy with how he turned out!!