ALL the thing

Hi all,

Can we compile all the things that Janelle does that are ridiculously annoying? Off the top of my head:

  • "All the things"
  • "obsessed"
  • clicking nails/fingers on products
  • Gaslighting posts about "motherhood" etc about being so difficult.
  • Calling Reddit "rats", seems to be trolling this sub with showing tummy time early on,
  • tailoring literally every piece of clothing
  • Ordering 20-30 boxes of amazon crap per day/ box waste
  • Bland ass house with the same silver/gold etc, getting obsessed with bland artwork, etc.
  • freaking out over silver leaf patters and wallpaper
  • Clearly neglecting Bella as the dog needs activitiy/walks, not just peeing on a turf lawn.
  • hating cats.
  • taking medicine against warning labels
  • Dairy free, gluten free, super healthy --> drinks, pizza
  • "cooking" factor meals by microwaving them
  • "attempts" at cooking
  • "Hosting" parties when everything is catered/paid for
  • Ignoring baby P's development needs
  • Container baby
  • no tummy time
  • "I don't /rarely drink"
  • entirely overdressed or not dressing to the occassion
  • eye-f*cking self in outfits
  • "Church goer" hasn't been in what seems like Months now that Xmas is over.
  • constant inquiring about being pregnant even though no one cares
  • saying that she's doing all this work by herself when they had a nanny/night nurse
  • "workout plans" that she doesn't stick to 12-30-3, weights, Pilates,
  • being "obsessed" with things that are 15 years old(Dutch Bros, etc.)

Also if anyone can recap any fun/good stories from previously, like stuff with Mel and the wedding planner, career direction, that would be good too.