Loneliness during Ramadan for potential revert.
I have no officially taken my shahada because I’m trying to learn more about the teachings of the prophets(PBUT), before I take this big step. My inam I talk to told me to take my time and take the step very seriously.
I pray five times a day, do my best to fast, but I’m not perfect, go to my mosque about two or three times a week.
The only time I don’t feel lonely during Ramadan is when I’m at the mosque. But even there I have one friend (who I am very grateful for), so if he’s not there I do feel lonely even surrounded by others.
My wife is a Christian, however, is getting more and more interested in Islam, and she may want to revert when I do, but she’s in her own journey, not I pray she joins me (in shaa' Allah).
In the morning, waking up at 5 o’clock, eating my morning meal before fasting, I feel lonely. I know that billions of people are doing this with me, however I feel alone.
I looked online and found it is very common for reverts to feel lonely during Ramadan, especially their first one. My childhood family is Christian, all my friends are Christian, and for the time being my wife is Christian.
Do you guys have any advice on how to handle these feelings?