Does anyone else have a friend that demands too much of their time?
I have a friend who I’ve known since we were in elementary (I’m now 23). We’ve always been close, but I moved states about 2 years ago. She wants to talk on the phone daily, but the calls will go on for an hour or longer each time. We’re both gamers so I play with her 3-4 times a week, and chit chat while we play.
That’s fine by me, but she has started to call me excessively outside of that. Sometimes I’m woken up to calls at 7 am, which I ignore. I’ll then text her when I wake up and she will respond with another phone call. I’ve entertained this for a while, but I’m starting to get fed up. She knows my work schedule so she will call before I go in, once I get home, and then again while we game. This is almost a daily thing of 3-4 calls a day. If I don’t respond, she gets an attitude and accuses me of being a bad friend. I tried explaining that sometimes I need to relax or unwind after work, but she takes it personally.
How should I go about setting boundaries? I care about her a lot, but she’s highly sensitive & thinks me not wanting to talk means I’m mad at her or a “bad friend”. This is why I haven’t said anything yet, because she’s prone to outbursts and I hate confrontation. I have no problem texting! But it seems that we favor different methods of communication.