hello, i’m 17 and live in utah, the united states. i’m so scared to just exist, living where i do i constantly have to see protest against the lgbtq, id like to think i look pretty “normal” (fucking hate that word). but i’m still just so scared knowing what i am, especially with trump being president banning all surgeries. like doesn’t that affect us in a very big way? i had mine done 2 years ago but what about people who haven’t already or too young right now? just fucking live with it? knowing you will never be what you want? i feel like so overlooked by just about everyone, especially when trump said there will now be legally 2 genders… what does that make me? my whole life i’ve struggled to find out what i am and now i have a man making that decision? but NO ONE understands what it’s like to be us and they never will. i don’t think i should feel ashamed to just live in this stupid state. my long time child hood friend is the only person (beside parents) that knows about me, no matter how much i try to vent about things to them, they will never understand. i’ve never met anyone else like this in person.