Hello 💛
Hey everyone, I'm new here well, sort of.
I recently discovered that I’m intersex (or at least, that’s what all the evidence is telling me). And honestly? I keep bouncing between “YAY, this makes so much sense!” to “Wait… am I???” to “No way,” and then spiraling back into searching for more evidence.
I already have enough genetic proof, lived experiences, and medical history to confirm it even without a karyotype. But still, you know how the brain can be. Traitorous. 😅
I live in a area that feels like seeking offical medical validation could be scary. I'm not sure about the current political climate and how it will affect something like this, or how genetic findings through a doctor might impact my insureance. so for my own safety, I think I’ll have to hang my hat here and just exist in the truth I already know. (very hard for me to do.)
I’m looking forward to connecting with others who understand this journey. 💛 Basically, looking for a community that is welcoming and maybe a bit private? Any safe spaces? People who will be inclusive and willing to accept me as I am.
I oddly enough have always felt like I was genderfluid ever since I was a child. I prefer either he/him or she/her pronouns but I do not like they/them for myself.