Narcissistic dad hates that i’m on ADHD meds
My dad is a narcissist and has been emotionally and physically abusive to me, my sister, and my mom for years. He cheated on my mom and had a child from the affair, which he hid from me until last year. When I tried to talk about it, he shut me down and told me it was none of my business. Our relationship was already bad, but after that, it completely fell apart.
A few months ago, I started taking Adderall for ADHD, and it has helped me focus, cleared my brain fog, and improved my quality of life. My dad hates it and blames everything on my medication. He says I have become irritable and rude, but the truth is, I just stopped entertaining him.
The texts show how he constantly criticizes me, tries to control me, and then plays the victim when I do not engage. He acts like he is giving fatherly advice, but really, it is just another way to put me down. When I ignore him or push back, he blames my medication instead of accepting that I no longer want a relationship with him. He even threatened to call my doctor to try and stop my prescription, as if he still has control over my medical choices.
Adderall did not change me. It just made me stop tolerating his bullshit.