I have a legal question on the following incident. Passengers not allowing a valid ticket holder to board the train 👇 (Not OC)

As per the duties of the onboard TTE or railway officials,

He shall check the tickets of the passanger in the coach and guide them to their berth/seats and prevent unauthorized person from entering the coach.

Link ~ https://digitalscr.in/bzadiv/circulars/misc_circulars/uploads/Duty_List_TC_Staff_140723.pdf

Now here, as the consumer fails to board the train with not his fault can he file a case against railways and demand the compensation? (Agree, that in some cases momentary compensation can never justify the mishap ~ like in medical emergency, exams, and career opportunities like here in to catch a flight).

But as per the rule, I'm wondering is railways is responsible for such incidents, if see from perspective of consumer laws. And the whole incident recorded in camera as well.