My 11 year-old daughter ranks the films

I showed my 11 year-old daughter all 5 films and she has ranked them:

A few weeks ago I was sitting down to watch Temple of Doom ( I had just finished the film novelization and wanted to re-watch) and I asked my daughter if she wanted to watch. She did and loved it! Since then we have gone through them all in order and I thought ya'll might appreciate her rankings and commentary.

5- Dial of Destiny

She put this one last but says she still really liked it. She was really impressed with the de-aging but felt his voice sounded too old but "that makes sense b/c he is out of breath and tired after being dragged in there." I thought she was going to like Helena more than she did. She couldn't get over her general villainy and lying. She was sad to learn about Mutt's death. She LOVED seeing Sallah again. Surprised by Marion's appearance and thought the "what doesn't hurt" call-back was sweet. Overall she ranked this one last because she felt it was more complicated than the others and had to ask me a lot more questions to keep up. She still isn't sure she understands all the time-travel elements. She thought the gag with Marion's face and the magnets was hilarious.

4- Temple of Doom

As I said before, this was her first ever Indiana Jones movie. She knew I loved the character and movies and had watched me play the video game some. She also had seen me build the lego of the opening of Raiders. She had seen that opening scene before but that's it. So this was her first full experience. She loved the opening in Shanghai and the antidote/diamond gag along with the balloons. She LOVED Short-Round and was really hoping to see him in another movie. She thought the inflatable raft drop, the mine-car chase, the bridge scene, all were excellent. She was grossed out by the food and was very scared by the heart scene (I skipped part of it and gave her a summary). She really loved the underground temple as a setting. She was on the edge of her seat the whole time and was truly hooked and ready to watch more.

3- Crystal Skull

She loved seeing the warehouse from Raiders and the Ark easter egg. She enjoyed rooting against the villain. She got nervous in the graveyard scene. She really enjoyed Mutt, both as a character and as Indy and Marion's son. She thought the swinging with monkeys and killer ants were both exciting and fun and literally said, "I bet all of this jungle stuff was fun to film, I wish I could swing on vines, I bet I would be good at it" (she would be, she's a beast of a climber). She was happy to see Marion return and the wedding ending. She said, "I thought Mutt was about to pick up the hat at the end" and I told her that "yes, we all did. But there's only one Indiana Jones."

2- Raiders

She loved the opening scene (who doesn't?) and enjoyed the biblical aspect to the chase. She loved Marion and the monkey and Sallah as characters. She laughed and laughed after Marion kisses Sallah and he starts his boisterous singing. She felt sympathy for the monkey getting poisoned. She felt bad for Marion having to wear dresses and night-gowns in difficult places. I had to pause and show her R2 & 3PO in the Well of Souls, she thought that was cool. She really liked the aspect of "don't look at it and the spirits will leave you alone." She was a big fan of that warehouse ending.

1- Last Crusade

Just big fan from beginning to end. Really excited to see Young Indy and the circus train. I pointed out Harrison Ford's scar on his chin to her and she thought that was cool. She said she really liked all the plot twists of discovery such as "Donovan's expert" is Indy's dad and Elsa is really a villain etc. She really enjoyed the "ride" this one takes you on. And of course, the 3 tests at the end and the 3rd brother being there-she loved it. She was glad to see the villains get their just desserts. She loved the reconciliation of the father-son relationship and the horseback ride ending.

It was so much fun for me to get to watch it with and through her and hear her reactions. I thought this group would enjoy to hear that another Indy fan has been born!