If you could magically see where anybody fits in venn diagram, what three labels would you choose?

Imagine you get the following power:

  1. Start with a venn diagram with three circles.
  2. You get to label each circle with whatever attribute you choose (i.e. likes dogs, doesn't like dogs, etc).
  3. Once you choose the label, it can never be changed.
  4. By concentrating on a person, you can instantly determine where they fall in the venn diagram, or if they are outside of it completely.
  5. No one knows when you are using the power. The answer just becomes known to you.
  6. You can use it from anywhere, as long as the person is actually known to you (so you can pick a celebrity you've never met, but you can't pick your long lost adopted sibling that you might or might not have).

What labels are you going to choose?