You're housecleaning. You rub the wall and a genie pops out. He can upgrade one portion of your house as your wish. Which do you choose and how do you make the most of it?
1) Upgrade your kitchen. Any food stored appropriately in your fridge, cabinets, or pantry will never spoil (this doesn't let you keep things that should be refrigerated out at room temp, and dry goods will still spoil if they get wet). Your oven and stove always cook things just right, no burning or underdone spots ever. Your dishwasher gets everything perfectly clean even if you don't pre-rinse. If you don't have a dishwasher, then dirty dishes left in the sink magically clean themselves overnight.
2) Upgrade your laundry room. If you don't have laundry in your unit, you now have a little nook somewhere with a stacked washer/dryer that don't need hookups to work. Your laundry now uses no power or water. Any clothes that go in there not only get perfectly clean, they have all minor wear and tear repaired to optimum levels (it won't un-break in your favorite jeans, but it will fix loose threads, tiny holes, aging elastic, and general loss of fibers that make fabric get thinner and wear out). It doesn't fix catastrophic damage like large holes/tears or missing parts. Nothing will ever shrink or be damaged in the laundry- you could stuff the most delicate silks in with your muddy work boots and they'd still both come out pristine and perfect, basically like new except perfectly broken in. When you open the dryer, everything is already sorted and folded how you like it, stacked neatly, and ironed if needed.
3) Upgrade your bathroom(s). All fixtures stay perfectly clean without needing to be cleaned, ever. Your shower never runs out of hot water, the water gets heated without adding to your energy bill, and always has perfect water pressure. You get perfectly clean and skin moisturized with every shower, even a super quick one. Your toothbrush will get your mouth as clean as a professional dental cleaning with a quick 30-second brush. Your poops in your home bathroom(s) are always ideal consistency and clean with one wipe. The medications in your medicine cabinet never expire. Your razor never gets dull, never cuts you, and always gives a perfect shave whether it's face, legs, or other.
4) Upgrade your yard. All the plants you like and want to grow will grow as if they have optimum conditions, regardless of what the actual conditions are. This includes water, soil texture and chemistry, pests and diseases, sunlight, temperature, pollination, etc. Any weeds will have to make do with the actual conditions present. Your lawn will grow to the height you like it at and then never taller. Insects/spiders/etc. will never bite or sting a human in your yard. Birds and other animals will never eat or damage food from your garden. You can have a compost pile that gives instant results, where scraps and leaves placed on it become perfect compost immediately. Immature trees can have their growth accelerated to approximately double their normal growth rate (in optimum conditions) until they reach >75% of their mature size. Pet waste will immediately be dispersed into the surrounding soil and composted as soon as it lands.
5) Upgrade your garage. You now have a set of shelves that function as extradimensional storage space that lets you store any kinds of tools or typical "garage stuff" such as seasonal decorations, yard tools, camping gear, bicycle gear, scrap wood or hardware, etc. and lets you access it easily with the item you're looking for always being right there on the shelf when you want it. It can store a total volume of goods the size of your entire garage in a single shelving unit 4' wide by 18" deep. Your cars are always magically cleaned inside and out and minor routine maintenance taken care of when they are parked in the garage overnight. This includes things like oil changes, fluids changed or topped off, air/fuel filters, etc. but not major repairs or prevention of overall vehicle aging. Minor paint scratches and dings will be repaired though.
Each of these boons comes as a little token that you can take with you to transfer the benefit if you ever have to move, so renters rejoice, you're covered! The tokens work only at a place that is your primary residence, so you can't take them traveling and have them work in hotels.