You are offered $100 million dollars if you inject heroin for 30 consecutive days.
The heroin will be of high quality. It will not be laced with any unknown substances. You will be given access to clean supplies in which to inject yourself. You will be monitored by an experienced physician.
You will inject yourself with an "effective dose", to be determined by the physician who will utilize common sobriety tests such as horizontal gaze nyastagmus (HGN), walk and turn tests, along with blood and urine tests.
You must inject yourself with an effective dose at least once per day. The injection must go directly into a vein.You may not utilize any substances to negate the effects of the drug or reduce withdrawal symptoms within the 30 days.
If you agree to the terms above, you will be given $100 million at the end of the 30 day period. After the 30 days, you are free to do whatever you wish with your $100 million.
Do you accept?
Yes, this hypothetical is rather dark and may strike a personal chord with some of you. This prompt does not aim to make light of drug abuse, but instead, point out how damaging drug abuse can be, commensurate with the huge amount of money offered.