Instantly Receive 20 Billion Dollars in Your Bank Account Right Now, But Lose All Human Connection

Pretty self explanatory. You receive 20 billion dollars, untaxed, and unquestioned. You can purchase anything you want, build whatever kind of life you want.

But you need to completely erase your current life. Your parents, close friends, acquaintances, pets, all forget about you and there is no way to get back into their life. You of course hold on to the relationships and memories yet have no way of doing anything about it.

Would you be willing to erase your loved ones for billions of dollars?

EDIT: Some people are asking why pets are included. In my head "human connection" meant the bonds that make you... you. Pets were included in that.

Also, some are wondering if you could set up trusts, or give money to your "old" family. I would say no. You will not have any sort of connection with their lives, whether that's monetary, physical, etc.