DAE have a very dominant female husky?

This has probably been answered before but I couldn't find anything recently. My girl is incredibly sweet but exhibits some pretty dominant-almost male-like- traits such as marking over other dogs (including intact males) and mounting other dogs. She also doesn't warm up to female dogs as quickly as male dogs. She listens well to my commands when she is on leash and minds me, however we don't typically go to dog parks much anymore because I've noticed she isn't responding quickly to off leash commands. Lately, it is also appearing that her dominant behavior is becoming more aggressive, especially if she encounters another dominant dog. This behavior seems more noticeable as she has gotten older (she is 5 years old now). I had her evaluated at a recommended dog trainer where he said that while she had some neurotic tendencies, "she wasn't nearly as bad as I thought she was" and a lot of her behavior could be explained with her overconfidence in herself. However, that training package was going to cost me $3,000 so that's been put to the back burner while I save up. I guess my long winded question is has anyone had a similar experience with their husky? If so, have you found any success in any particular training methods with any "overly confident" dog? landshark tax included
