rude EA

so on dec 3rd 2024 we had a rude substitute in class and in that class we have an EA i bring my own laptop because its faster than the chrome books but the EA said that i needed to put my personal device away and get out my Chromebook because she thinks that the regular teacher said that i can't use it ( witch the regular teacher didn't say at all) even though district policy lets me use my own laptop as long as i don't connect to the schools network but the EA kept saying that i needed to put my personal device away and get out my Chromebook, and eventually the sub came over to help the Ea i tried explaining that the district policy lets me use my own laptop as long as i don't connect to the schools network the EA tries emailing my case manager who is also "her boss" and claims that i am using my personal laptop to bypass Lanschool and the schools filters (which is not true) and this all spirals into an argument and i try to ignore the sub and the Ea and stop arguing but they keep coming at me and only stop once they eventually get their way. can someone please help me?