HF, started to cheapen US GENERAL S3

Over the weekend I picked up 2- 42" taking advantage of the 20% for each box. BUT!!!!!!!!!!

Only bad thing, is HF appears to have started to cheapen out the boxes in order to keep prices the same.

The 2 boxes, might look the same, on the outside, BUT structurally they are not. At least, from a bracing stand point they are not the same. The box with lower serial number, has way more bracing.

Lower serial number (354 starting serial number) has the following bracing underneath:

4 support braces (UPC: 193175511263)

2- U shaped brace at the wheels

2- 90 angle braces between the wheels

Higher serial number (368 starting serial number) has just:

2 support brace (UPC 193175496324), at the wheels ONLY. No more bracing between the wheels, The bracing at the wheels also changed. They are no longer U-shape, but rather just 90 angle brace.

The only reason I even noticed was when I was leveling the boxes. Looking to for a spot to jack up the box.

*****UPDATE******UPDATE******UPDATE******UPDATE****** 12/16/2024

Just got off the phone, HF Corporate. Sent them the pictures. They said the boxes are fine, no safety issue, by THEIR standards. Just different vendors build quality. They said I can return it.

Basically, they are not doing jack about it.

You know they won't be recalling it. Can you imagine a store with 500 returned tool boxes.

*****2nd UPDATE 12/18/2024*****
Roll cab was returned, I was able to find a HF that had a 42" with the alternate UPC that had 4 support braces. The guy that swapped it out, was like most people would have never even thought to look underneath.

Higher Serial Number

Lower Serial Number