There is a private sub for posting restriction pics! Let me know if you want to join.
Hi everyone! I’m posting this with the permission of the mods here at r/goodrestrictionfood
There is a new, private subreddit for posting pictures of restriction food! We allow all types of pictures; shitty, good, regular, fancy, etc.
Our sub is not meant to be competition or a replacement for r/goodrestrictionfood in any way. This post and the existence of the private sub is not saying that there is anything wrong with this sub (I am a member and an avid lurker here 😆).
Our intention is to create a safe space to post food pictures and offer each other support/discussion without it being publicly visible on your profile.
We have a some rules for requesting membership.
These rules are not intended to exclude anybody, but to provide a safe space that is as free from exploitation as possible.
1. Lurkers are more than welcome, you don’t have to have posted here or even have a ton of karma, but if your profile shows zero karma and the only comment is a request on this post we won’t send an invite.
•The only workaround to this is to submit proof that your account is attached to a real person.
•You can do this by sending modmail or a chat/dm to me with a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with your username, or you can submit screenshots of your Reddit username list and a list of your joined subs along with a screenshot of some other social media (tiktok, for example) logins.
•This isn’t meant to be invasive and we aren’t going to do anything with the information except verify that you are a real person with good intentions.
2. We are an 18+ adults only sub.
3. We will not add anybody who is a troll or has a history of harassing or being hateful on other subreddits. We look at every single profile before adding them to our approved users list.
If you can abide by those rules you are more than welcome to join! All ED types are welcome, lurkers are welcome, you just need to have something on your account or prove you’re not a troll/creep/content pirate. Again, this would be submitted privately via modmail or dm.
How to request an invite
Simply comment on this post or contact me via chat or message. I do understand lots of people don’t want a publicly visible comment so please don’t feel like you’re bothering me, my dm’s are open to you.