Watched Princess Mononoke, filled with anger
So I'll start by saying I get that the story was about how revenge only leads to more destruction. That the struggle between humans, nature, and them both trying to coexist is incredibly difficult and on going.
But I can't be the only person who by the end of the movie wanted all the humans to die. The cruelty of the humans was astonishing and saw little justification for why they should be saved. I was seething with anger at so many points in the film, one that comes to mind is the boar god being followed by the humans wearing his children's skin.
Again I see what the story was trying to say but I am having trouble getting past all the cruelty.
I keep repeating "eyes unclouded by hate" but I can't forgive iron town. Thanks for letting me rant.
EDIT: Having read the comments and having time to process my feelings. I see that I have to work on my own anger and hate. I can see now how quickly I would turn into a demon myself.
The people of Iron Town are trying to survive not only from attacks from the forest but from Samurai as well. They are days away from having no food and one missed rice shipment would mean doom for Iron Town. Eboshi made a place of refuge for the unwanted and abused. She made it a place where you were judged by your mind and your character not how you could be exploited.
I still have a hot burning in my chest when thinking of the atrocities of the humans. Jigo and his men still deserve to be handed to what remains of the forest creatures. Perhaps there are somethings worth becoming a demon for.
I was blown away by this movie, San and Ashitaka both touched me deeply and I've learned quite a bit about myself. Thank you everyone for sharing your perspectives, may you see with eyes unclouded by hate.