Is it bad to copy creators?
I really want to start decorating levels and just make my layouts look good but I suck at decorating, whatever I do I just can’t make it look good no matter what. I looked up youtube tutorials but there all just dog crap, there either outdated, force you to create hyper realistic styles which I dont like, or a soulless modern style, and the ones that are actually good are either not aimed at beginners or just cuts the learning parts out needed to learn. Id like to have a style thats like glow thats not generic and mainly focuses on 2 or 3 colours.
Since its basically impossible to learn how to decorate unless you want a generic hyper realistic legendary rated level, my only option left is to just go to a level with a style I like and copy it, its the only way for me to make my level look at least semi nice since theres no way I can learn. But is copying a creator bad? I completely get why it would make someone mad, but at the same time its the only way for me to decorate and make my layouts look good, me trying to decorate normally is just me just filling the structure, adding blocks, adding glow, tries to add small details, it looks bad, I get demotivated and stressed, I dont have even a single but of fun. Unless theres a hidden good youtube tutorial out there with like 28 views then ill never learn to decorate and never get good at it.