Ending Millennials in the 2000s. Yah or nay?

​I personally think that an early-2000s end-date is fine, especially when considering that’s where Strauss and Howe (coiners of the term) envisioned the generation ending on day one, and I have to say, I think that’s reasonable, given that your average generation should span approximately 18–22 years in length. In recent years, Howe pushed the end-date to 2004/5, but I personally veer more towards 2002/2003. I’m also a fan of Elwood Carlson’s “New Boomer” range of 1983 to 2001.

​I personally think that an early-2000s end-date is fine, especially when considering that’s where Strauss and Howe (coiners of the term) envisioned the generation ending on day one, and I have to say, I think that’s reasonable, given that your average generation should span approximately 18–22 years in length. In recent years, Howe pushed the end-date to 2004/5, but I personally veer more towards 2002/2003. I’m also a fan of Elwood Carlson’s “New Boomer” range of 1983 to 2001.