Discipline> Motivation

Hey everyone, just wanted to share this as some motivation for everyone to just keep your head straight and keep remembering why you're doing it. Before I was 450lbs at 19yo had my gastric sleeve dropped down to 209lbs lost focus and went back to 250 and I'm now back down to 220 at 21yo. All of this is just a mental game and trying to over come yourself. As with everything in life take it as it is and don't over complicate it. Dieting is a fun and disciplining game. It takes a lot of sacrifice and emotional support because the emotions you go through at such a deficit will kill you mentally and you will want to receive that dopamine you once had eating whatever you want and just relaxing. This is no time to relax and it's time to work. Remember screw your motivation it's all about discipline. Below I will be adding some before and after as well as some face pictures to show how much it effected my appearance. If you're reading this and need some advice feel free to message me, l'm no dietitian or psychologist but I've done this long enough now and studied to know a thing or two.