Old Days of Gaming

What happened to the old days of gaming? When you saw a high level/highly skilled player and you were impressed, not complaining that the person was a no life. Or when people took games for what they were, rather than 24/7 complaining about the grind that is involved in certain games. When I was growing up, my parents didn't allow me to play games all day every day so I was never really able to play as much as I wanted, but I never had the thought of "man I wish they would make this game easier so I could compete with people who do get to play a lot." I played WoW growing up, never once did I think "I wish they would make the leveling faster so that I can hit 70." Or if I saw someone 10th prestige in CoD I never thought "what a no life", I would typically think "dang, I wonder if he would wanna join up and play with me." When did it become normal for people to bitch about games being a grind? Why is it normal now for someone to say "well I only get to play a few nights a week, the progression should be faster."? Or just because someone is better than you at a game that automatically makes them a no life?

Since gaming is technically an eSport now, I figured some of that would change but it seems to have gotten worse. It certainly isn't treated like other sports by the people who are involved with it. I played golf in college (which is mainly why I wasn't able to play a ton of games growing up due to practicing nearly every single day and tournaments constantly) but games have always been my favorite hobby. Never once in my whole life have I played golf with someone and them complain saying "you're a no life, you just get to play way more than I do" or hell I've never even heard someone say "I wish golf was easier so that I could get good faster" or "I wish they would change golf's rules so that it would be easier for people who only get to play a few days a week."

It is ridiculous.

Just had this thought today at work and for some reason wanted to say this. Would love to hear any and all opinions.