Is there a generic video game statement that annoys you?

For context: I was watching Baldurs Gate 3's new subclass highlights for the highly anticipated patch 8 which will feature 12 new subclasses.

I scroll down to the comments to see people's thoughts and of course the most up voted comment is the word "when", which is a pretty understandable question given the anticipation from this community; however, 50% of the responses to this "when" is "when it's ready" or "I'd rather wait and have something that works than for it to be rushed."

I don't think I've never not seen this comment when it comes to highly anticipated releases. I remember seeing this when they were TESVI in 2014.

While it's definitely not wrong, and I'd rather have a working release than a rushed one, it also says literally nothing. Is asking a date of release the same as demanding an earlier release? No. Does it answer the question? No. What is the point of saying this? Is it to hope people stop asking despite everyone wanting to know?

I have 0 clue as to why this bothers me so much. Are there any generic statements or responses that either annoy you or are so generic you subconsciously don't even register it anymore?