I'm seeking RTS games with Pause function where units can still be commanded for a more chill experience.
I know that pausing in an RTS (REAL time strategy) games are a bit counter intuitive, but i'm a person who gets very easily overwhelmed and very easily stressed these days. i USED to not only enjoy RTS games, but play them a lot. But I find myself far more easily stressed out by them.
Been looking for a few RTS games to go through, where I can still command the units when i pause the game.
I have vague memories of older titles from 1990s allowing this, but more as an unintended feature.
But i don't remember which ones. I just remember it vaguely possible.
Maybe Earth 2160?
Lots of RTS games, just a matter of which ones offer the ability to pause the game to allow me to stay ahead :D
Maybe Dark Reign? I remember playing this a boat load, but i don't remember if pausing the game was possible, let alone still commanding ones units when paused.
I don't care about multiplayer. Just looking for Campaign & Skirmish modes.
EDIT: A big list of suggested game thus far, in no particular order:
Total War + Napoleon and Empire -- See this recommended a few times.
Total War: Warhammer 3 -- Maybe, maybe.
FTL -- I have gotten tired of the game loop, moving on.
Convoy -- Apparently like FTL, but a new take? Might give it a go!
Doorkickers 1 & 2 -- Remember seeing this a while ago, was very very interested, forgot to wishlist. Not this time!
They are billions -- Looks very very fun, but not sure if the price justifies it. Others would say it does. Hmmmmm...
Diplomacy is Not an Option -- On my wishlist, been for a while. Looks very fun too.
Sins of a solar empire 2 -- I'm convinced i tried a pirated copy of this, i liked it, but then forgot about it? It's on my wishlist for sure!
Total Annihilation series: Supreme Commander, Zero-K and BAR (Beyond All Reason) -- They all offer something slightly different, but are all born from the design of Total Annihilation. All good games with their own spin.
Homeworld Remaster -- Been eyeing this game for a loong time, not sure it's my cup of tea.
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak -- Never heard of or seen, will have to investigate more.
Company of Heroes 3 -- Maybe, Maybe.
Aliens: Dark Descent -- Never enjoyed the 'Alien' universe. There is just something about it that makes me go 'naah'.
Kenshi -- I actually own this. Steeep learning curve it seems. Never was that fun. Seen some youtube vids lately. It's a nope from me.
Desperados 3 -- Now that is a game title i have not heard in a looong time! Same with Commandos. Maybe, Maybe.
Bad North -- Huh, never heard of it, will take a look.
Regiment -- No clue, will take a gander.
Terminator: Dark Fate -- Wait, what? Heh, okay so this exists too. I'll have to take a closer look.
Stellaris -- On my wishlist, not sure if i'll ever get tho. Maybe?
Metal Fatigue -- Title name evoke memories. Will have to look closer.
Earth 2150 & 2160 -- I own the latter, enjoyed it until it stressed me, didn't know about the pausing, may give it a 2nd go.
NOX -- Might take a closer look.
Stronghold Crusader -- Oh yeah, i remember watching a few youtube vids of this. May give it a go as well.
Against the Storm -- Own it, got a mod for it, i know it fairly well.
Age of darkness: final stand -- No clue about this one, but will take a closer look later.
Dune: Spice Wars -- I think i had the CDs for this a while back??? I'll take a closer look.
Hearts of Iron IV -- Name appears familiar, will take a closer look.
Crusader Kings III -- Heard of it a few times, never really bothered for some reason.
Victoria -- Totally unknown to me, will look closer.
Dawn of War 2 -- Totally didn't use cheats to beat this game shifty eyes.
Sudden Strike 4 -- From the comment, sounds like a fun game, will take a closer look.
Rimworld -- The fact i made several mods for this game, and have 2300 hours on it, should speak for it self ;)
Ai war 2 -- Been looking at this a few times, not sure if it's my cup of tea in the end.
Infested planet -- Adorable little game, Not enough content, want more!
Last Train Home -- no clue, will take a closer look.
mindustry -- Made a few mods for this, got 80+ hours on it. Lovely game. Can quickly kick your butt if you aren't careful. Sneaky difficulty sometimes.
Command and Conquer franchise -- I never knew it had a pause mechanic that still allowed me to issue commands. Will have to reply then!
Starcraft -- apparently allows you to also pause and command units, never tried. May try it again some day!
Starcraft 2 -- Last i heard it was MP only, so i never picked it up, but if it actually have a story, then i GOTTA get it!!
Creeper World series -- Played the first 3, eventually got bored of the formula. Holds no interest any more.
Age of Mythology -- Huh, that might make me get this at long last.
Fire Emblem -- Unknown to me, will take a closer look.
Valkyria Chronicles -- Unknown to me, will take a closer look.
Cataclysmo -- Unknown to me, will take a closer look.
Mechabellum -- Unknown to me, will take a closer look.
Rise of Nations -- Now this is a game series i don't see mentioned often out and about on the net. Will take a closer look.
Shadow Tactics -- Unknown to me, will take a closer look.
Shadow Gambit -- Unknown to me, will take a closer look.
Warcraft -- Good old Warcraft. I remember putting in the CD the first time and hearing the music. Still gives me chills. Personally, i enjoyed Warcraft 2 more. But Warcraft 3 took it out of the park with RTS. It was just awesome!
age of empires 1 -- I think i'll go test the pause feature, could be cool to finally beat the campaign!
age of empires 2 -- While i knew it could be paused, didn't know i could command units, time to beat campaign :D
age of empires 3 -- Didn't know it could even be paused, but hey, this may make me come back to it again and finally beat it!
Civilization franchise -- Isen't that the hexagon looking games? I'll take a closer look.
Seven Kingdoms II: The Frythan Wars -- Will take a closer look.
Empire Earth 1 and 2 -- Now this is a title i remember seeing over the years, going to look closer.
Wargame: Red Dragon -- Never heard of this one, will take a closer look.
Crying Suns -- didn't expect to see this suggested, it's already on my wishlist, money and time has kept me from getting it.
ultimate general civil war -- I have no clue, will take a closer look.
Breachers -- Huh, from the comments, sounds like i might have fun, will look closer.
Frozen Synapse -- On my wishlist, want it, but time and money is a factor.
Star Wars: Empire at War -- Hold on, WHAT? didn't expect to see a Star Wars game appear on the list, huh...
Red Alert series -- Well then, looks like i got more of my backlog games to finish.
Myth: The Dark Age -- Woah, Myth series, now that is a name i forgot! Will take a closer look.
Myth 2: Soulblighter -- Will take a closer look.
Northgard -- Will take a closer look.
Zephon -- Will take a closer look.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim -- as said, not an RTS but just the name it self makes me want to take a closer look.
Starship troopers: Terran command -- On my wishlist! Now i want it even more :P