"Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons" is the worst form of pedestrian crossing

Whoever decided this is a good idea has clearly never walked a day in their life, or driven apparently. And the asshole in my city who decided it would be a great idea to install this on a roundabout needs to reevaluate their choices and career.

The drivers cannot see the silly flashing lights when direct sunlight is on them, which is 80% of the day. It's even worse when the sun is rising or setting, the flashing just becomes completely invisible. When the lights turn on, the cars don't stop. And if it's a four lane road, 1 car may stop, but the rest don't, and then that one car gets impatient and drives off just as you step into the road to cross.

All of this was even worse on a roundabout because I couldn't tell who was going straight and who was going around, and when a car finally stopped to let me go, I almost got hit by a fucking truck who's driver decided not to wait after all. Then you have the silly voice going "proceed with caution, cars may not stop." Doesn't that fucking defeat the point if I'm actively trying to cross the street?! If I was visually impaired or deaf, I would be fucked because this is horrible for everyone involved who doesn't have those limitations.

Why do I have to rely on the good will of a driver to cross the fucking street? Would I get blamed if I got hit by a car? There's literally nothing preventing them from not stopping, which happened for 5 minutes straight.