Don’t Overfill Your Viper …

Or you’ll be doing a lot of viping. (Apologies for the Dad joke but it’s painfully accurate).

Refilled my new Diplomat Viper for the second time last night. The first fill was without incident. This time, with the same ink, I tightened up the piston on the converter to push the air bubble out after the first fill and sucked in the maximum amount of ink the converter would (theoretically) hold, with no air showing.

Big mistake.

Every time I uncapped the pen all day, I got ink all over my hands because there was ink all over the section under the cap. I checked for internal leaks and there are none, so it’s flowing out the nib under the cap. Not sure if uncapping creates a semi-vacuum that pulls the ink out when it’s overfilled, but something like that is happening.

I just squeezed out some of the ink back out of the converter and there is now a visible air gap in the converter above the ink. I hope this rectifies the situation.