What Hero have you NOT TOUCHED.

Gryphon, I’ve had the urge to play him every once in a while but he’s the ONLY character at level 1. I haven’t touched him because he’s a level one and when I did play him I closed app at the loading screen so I didn’t get XP.

Nobushi is a close second as I just feel like she’s a fucking bitch to play against and I just don’t like feeling so cheesy. With that said I played all the newest hero’s except Aztec which is a level 18 only two above Nobushi.

Conq and LB along with some others are only rep 1 as I haven’t touched them since pre-ccu. Zhanhu was the same but I played him to rep 5 before I stopped playing pre-ccu and only played him for the limited outfit in Halloween event 2 years ago which now I fully love cause my boy is so much better post CCU.