What really constitutes being FM'd?

I've seen a few posts on here where the OP has outperformed the opposition and lost, claimed to have been FM'd, but it wasn't all one way traffic or any real dominance. So the question is, what exactly does it mean to be FM'd?

For me, there are a few things that can be considered, but also a few non-negotiables:

  • at least 20 shots for
  • at most 4-5 shots against
  • this can be scaled down if you lose after winning at 90 mins
  • at least 60+% possession, maybe even 65+%
  • bonus points if opposition have a man sent off in the process
  • conceding two or more pens having dominated game

  • consideration given for 3+ goals offside but really that's not so much bad luck as just bad play tbh.

Any additional metrics or thoughts very welcome. Perhaps we can create the 'FM'd Scale' 👀