TOYSNHK and Midnight Motorist are the most exhausting debates

It’s an impossible and futile debate as people WILL NOT shift their opinion from what they believe.

With TOYSNHK, people have a very “intense” attachment to Cassidy so it can get toxic very quick if you suggest something against the mainstream characterisation of Cassidy. Andrew believers do provide some valid points, but some can become very stubborn when discussing Frights game canonicity (and books canonicity is another hell in and of itself). This creates a stalemate where neither side is listening so we don’t progress.

With MM, its ambiguity is infuriating. To this day, no one can say definitively what is going on. Regardless, like many theories, people have convinced themselves that certain aspects are confirmed so, again, go against the mainstream and you’re headed for an argument where neither side is listening. FLAF should, in theory, help the debates however, the canonicity of the game has never been confirmed and people are very selective with what’s an Easter egg and what’s evidence.

For example, the 87 dice is dismissed as an Easter egg to many people, but the Springbonnie antenna is irrefutable proof that AftonMM is confirmed. So what is the truth here?

People can believe what they like as it’s really not this serious, but it’s tiring seeing people have the same debates, the same arguments, and creating even more hostility as no one wants to have an open mind or accept that people have different interpretations which can also be equally valid.

Sometimes it really is a personal preference. With FNAF, this is incredibly easy to do considering 95% of the lore is unconfirmed and speculation. If your interpretation makes a coherent story and doesn’t go against proven theories (eg Michael being Springtrap) then I don’t see what’s the problem in hearing various theories.