Inibuilds A350 1.0.1 update out

Feb 28, 2025

Systems & EFB ⚙️🖥️
Improvement – 1000 SimBrief Profile

Fixed – RAT Animation

Fixed – FS20 STBY compass bug

Fixed – ISIS inHG period displacement bug

Fixed - Before TO checklist: PACK line must be changed – improvement based on pilot feedback

Fixed - Avionics door see through when in open position

Fixed - Cockpit door open without OPEN light

Improvement – When ENG ANTI ICE is on on ground, FF now increases per engine. Pilot

feedback based on line operations whereby increased fuel flow should be something pilots

consider when planning taxi fuel with with long taxi times during icing conditions and is a

specialty of the A350 as it is an exceptionally large increase.

Fixed – DIRECT Law activation bug

Fixed - Selecting a DTO from the ND causes disco in active FP

Fixed - AFS BUG and latched descent

Fixed - Magenta target speed dot (while in selected speed) mimics the selected speed instead

of showing us what the managed speed target would be.

Fixed – ELEC Bus failure improvements

Fixed - VOR needle part visible when no station tuned

Fixed - Incorrect Squawk green digit colours when on

Fixed – Fuel temps got too low

Fixed - Manually tuned M bug

Fixed - RNV approach NM in PFD shifted bug

Fixed - LW different in PERF APPR vs FUEL/LOAD bug

Fixed - TRK/FPA FPA window when on ALT

Fixed - Noise info present in CLB page after noise complete

Fixed – PRESS bug

Fixed - No FMA box around THR CLB<>DCLB change

Fixed - FLS beam, dashes are too big

Fixed - Incorrect Vmax at conf 1

Fixed - Landing CABIN READY does not reset

Fixed - Odd clipped level off arrow in ND, related to FCU and -ALT CSTR interaction

Fixed - Step clb distance issue FPLN

Fixed – WASM crash for CTR_Gauge_Draw crash - Cycling SD via ALL

Fixed -CFG & Disable assistance

Fixed – WASM Crash for MFD_Gauge_Draw - Pressing "up" arrow on NOTEPAD after inputting text

Fixed - GD not visible during climb on selected speed and incorrect short term managed spd

Fixed - CTR exception when using SD "all" button or hitting video in No Cabin

Fixed – WASM crash due to memory allocations [LNAV crashes, or SB import]

Fixed - Sim rate limited to 2x in some situations

Fixed - Cant clear FIX INFO if you navigate away from the TAB

Fixed - G/S mode inhibit on SURV page doesn't work

Fixed - Can't manually tune ILS frequencies with numbers that are behind decimal

Fixed – FADEC power on time delay when using o/h buttons

Fixed - Seems like editing the ALTN messes up with the VD

Fixed - Incorrect Vmax CONF3

Fixed - Incorrect G/S indication with G/S deselected

Fixed - Radio mins limited to 100 ft or above - should accept below?

Fixed - No A/Floor protection in place when A/THR is switched off manually

Fixed – SEC plan swapping with active

Fixed – FS20 Interactive points affecting jetway placement for -900

Fixed - Update max mach in cfgs causing overspeed warnings with some third party ACARS

Fixed – Delay in pulling charts

Fixed - OIS - GSX Menu - Clicking "Next Page" closes and resets the menu

Fixed - [0.0.018][FS20] OIS remove "Performance Mode" toggle

Fixed - OIS TO PERF THS for TO

Fixed - LBS fuel display center tanks not truncating value

Improvement - Overhaul of NG auth system

Fixed - OIS Enroute Map - Standard - Disable OSM hyperlink

Fixed - Some options syncing issues -

Fixed - Loadsheet Lbs handling improvement

Fixed - Loadsheet update improvement for pax count

Fixed - Enroute map attribution link will open a new window instead of locking the OIS

Fixed - Some performance improvements to perf handling

3D Art 🎨🖌️
Addition – Supplementary EXT Power Cable

Fixed - Nose gear hose bit doesn't move with gear

Improvement -FS20 Performance Exercise on Node count & vertex count for those who are CPU limited

Fixed - FS20 excessively loud gear drag

Improvement - Reduced gear drop sound volume

Improvement - Tweaked FS20 engine levels

Fixed - Increased FS20 aft engine volume

Fixed - FS20 aft engine volume positioning

Adjusted - FS20 manipulator vol levels

Fixed - manipulator 3D spatialization

Fixed - Modified volume of some misc interactions (door, tray table etc)

Fixed - Tweaked engine levels overwing

Fixed - Smoothened transition to buzzsaw outside of toga takeoff

Fixed - negligible difference to gear drag vol with environmental sound slider

Fixed -Eng whine mixing improvements

Fixed - Adjusted position of nose gear thud on rotation

Fixed 'crashing' sound heard on rotation

Fixed - Retard callout volume level