My betta is not eating.
I would like to ask some advice regarding my betta. I've had my betta going on 5 months now. Up till this point my tank has not cycled. I have a master test kit from Api where I test the water all the time. I have never seen a nitrite, or nitrate spike in my tank. The ammonia I control through a weekly water change around 50%,and I use a cap full of seachem prime every other day. I realized my tank was having a PH problem where it stayed around 6.0 pm, so I bought a powder buffer from seachem,and it's now around 6.8-7.0 ppm. My betta was doing fine looked all healthy was eating despite my tank not being cycled. It's a 10 gallon tank btw, forgot to add that in. Now my betta is refusing to eat for about a week so far. She is also constantly laying on her side at the surface of the water. I did some research,and it looks like she might have swim bladder disease. It could have been from shock since I raised the pH of the water,and this all happened around the same time. I also fed her about two pinches of pellets, so I might have over fed her. I hear that swim bladder isn't fatal,and that it's common for betta fish,but I'm just kinda worried cause she still won't eat a week later. Water all good. My betta doesn't look very good. I thought I post this here to get others thoughts, and opinions.