Absolute Virtue is Torture to spawn
The Context (Not important):
I recently started FFXI in a marathon of all mainline FF games and as a long time FFXIV player I was really interested to see what Vana'diel would offer me.
Thus far I have been very surprised to how much I enjoy playing and look forward to logging into the game everyday. In this journey to beat the game, I also have endeavoured to take on some notorious creatures. I started with Fafnir after he destroyed me in FFXIV but then I moved onto Absolute Virtue who I had heard many tales of. This is where the issue arose.
The issue (The Main bit):
Are the drop rates supposed to be this apocalyptically awful? I started on step one of a wiki gyude grabbing some HQ materials from overworld enemies in Al'Taieu. The High-Quality Hpemde Organ and Xzomit Organ were not too bad but the High-Quality Phuabo Organ was insane! I spent 7 hours straight killing roughly 8 Om'phuabo every respawn and eventually had to give up due to fatigue and ask a stranger in Jeuno to see if they had the item (Shoutout to Vaash in Asura you are a true legend).
So I moved on. Now I am in Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi trying to get the First Virtue. The Eo'zdei will NOT spawn the Jailer after trying for roughly 5 hours. In addition I have not had a single High-Quality Aern Organ drop either. I am using a trust with TH but obviously it is not likely to be as effective but I am a DRG 99 and SAM 50 so I dont really want to grind thief.
Are these drops supposed to be so awful?
Am I doing something wrong?
Is it even worht it? I really want to kill Absolute Virtue jsut becuase it has so much history but it sounds too daunting if these are the drop rates and I dont want to rely on charity for every drop or asking for the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Virtues. I thought it would be a fun challenege the Wiki saying "It takes 4 hours" is a scam.
Any tips would be appreciated.
UPDATE: I finally spawned JoT on my lunch break so it was possible. Was just running the circuit as normal and it spawned in Galka tower. Time for the next step.
UPDATE 2: Finally managed to Beat AV. The JoT was by far the worst thing of this whole run and took me several days. managed to finish up the last of the steps over the following 2 days and just killed it now.
Thank you to everyone who helped.