VA employee here, we have never had many veterans treating us badly until now.
It’s getting extremely difficult to keep going right now. I work in surgical services and I took an oath to provide help to veterans but I have no idea if it’s worth it anymore. We’re already understaffed and we’re expecting it to get worse. Morale at an all time low.
I’ve already spoke to 3 veterans this morning that mentioned they can’t wait for the government to start firing everyone to get their services faster and more efficient. They think we’re lazy and not doing anything, but I try my absolute best when I go to work everyday.
Thanks for listening. Maybe I just needed to let it out.
Edit: WOAH! I took the time to write this on my break and came back to see this post with so many supportive comments. I really appreciate the support, words can’t describe how much this means to me ❤️ my family are full of veterans and I love what I do. I know there will always be bad apples in the bunch but moments like these are just so demoralizing when all I’m trying to do is help. Thanks everyone, truly ❤️🇺🇸