GSA to Begin Lease Terminations
I am a leasing property manager for GSA meaning I manage leased properties for other agencies. A lessor reached out to me today asking why their lease was terminated. I did not receive any notice regarding this termination. Someone from DC terminated this lease without consulting me and it sounds like they barely consulted the regional leasing contracting officers. As of today, I have no direction if the agency is aware that they must move, where they will move to, or how. All I know is the lease was terminated effective today. It is my understanding that GSA is going to publish a list of all leases that will be terminated and there will not be replacement leases for them—these staff members will have to consolidate with other offices.
This is just the start of so much chaos.
**EDIT: to clarify, the lease termination letter was signed today. The agency will be able to remain in the office for approximately 6+ months and will need to find another office to work out of by the end of that time frame.
**EDIT #2: not ALL leases can be terminated. Leases are contracts and there needs to be a clause allowing for termination. Please keep that in mind that not all leases will be impacted immediately.