[discussion] sorry this is really getting on my nerves

Sorry but quick rant. Idk about anyone else but I hate it that every time someone mentions something good about fairy tail, they always need to bring up a negative to weigh it out. Like shut up nobody asked you to say all that ?? For example the praise I’ve been seeing people give is like “fairy tail has amazing music but it’s story is trash and has no development” or “fairy tail has great characters but it’s fan service ruins it” and it’s so backhanded. I just think you could’ve js stopped at the first compliment.

Most of the time what they r saying isn’t even true and it’s only to minimise backlash from those haters w dumb preconceptions. Sorry but it’s so annoying js say it and move on. Fairy tail already receives enough undeserved hate like give it a rest. It just validates the misconceived flaws people already have and makes people think it’s okay to keep treating fairy tail like a punching bag. I know people have their own preferences, experiences and opinions but it’s been called mid multiple times when never once has it been that. Sorry but I’m actually tired of it all this hate and for what. Anyways everyone who loves fairy tail as much I do can see its true value and it’s made for our enjoyment. Big up to all the real fans who can actually appreciate this masterpiece👆🏾